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Juice Fasting, the Best Way to Detox

For many of us, another round of holidays is coming up. And many will eat more than they should. So, for those of you who love the food, here is something you can do for yourself afterwards. It is a juice fasting detox.

Juice fasting is easy and good for you, if you follow a few rules. For starters, if you take medication, go easy, especially if you are loaded with toxins from smoking, drinking, processed foods or grains and soy.

Second, use organic whenever possible and if you can’t, peel the skin off of whatever you use.

Expect a detox slump, this is what happens when you have a good flushing out, you end up feeling like crap a few days in as the toxins are moving out.

Drink lots of water and lots of juice. You should drink 2 quarts of water at the very least, in dryer climates, as much as a gallon. And aim for 64 ounces of juice.

More vegetables than fruit. Most people think of fruits when you say the word juice, but in this case, it is mainly vegetables you want with fruit for taste.

With these tips in mind, try to go 10 days, make that your goal. For food lovers, like myself, do your best to not give in. Yes that one nacho is enough to kick you off. Your body will realize after a day that you are fasting and start to remove toxins, if you eat, it will think you have stopped. 10 days is a great way to start to see how things are.

Now for the recipes, there is the holy trinity of juice fasting that should be in every drink: parsley, cucumber and celery. These three are great at aiding your system to clear out, especially your liver and kidneys. Be sure these three are always in your drink.

Standard recipe:
5 leaves of kale
4 celery stalks
1 lemon
1 apple or 2 if small
handful of parsley
1 cucumber
piece of ginger
1/4 beet (great blood cleaner)
blackberries (vitamins)
Grapefruit (works with the lemon to remove fat from cells)
Cilantro (removes heavy metals, great for smokers)
Handful of sprouts (more vitamins and minerals)
Broccoli or cabbage (enzymes help the body heal)

Everyone has different tastes so experiment with what works for you. Drink the juice 4-6 times a day with plenty of water. The water should be filtered water as this helps to remove toxins from the body. Also, you don’t need a big machine to juice, even a crappy blender with a strainer over the container, will do the job.

Doing a juice fast every now and then will do great for the body. Anyone who lives in the modern world is exposed to toxins and these can build up in your body. A juice fast is a great way to remove these toxins. Just remember to have plenty of greens to your drink, that’s how you will get the nutrients you body needs. Also, you may feel energized one day and sluggish the next, that’s normal. So is weight loss, you can expect to average a pound a day of weight loss.

Enjoy the holidays knowing you have a good recipe to clean out later.