Daily Archives: April 11, 2011

The Straight Line Approach

I have many clients who come to me for help. One of the things I like to do is take the straight ling approach to solving their problems. What does that mean? It is simple, find the best path and stick to it. Now that is easier said than done in today’s world and I will explain why.

One of the things I do is crystals healing. It is very straight forward. You come to me and we discuss your situation and find a solution via crystals to help you get back on a natural path of empowerment and self progress. That is a straight line approach. It is simple, easy to follow and anyone can understand it.

Often by the time a client comes to me, they have spent thousands of dollars on spells and meditations or other things that are anything but straight line. By that time, they are very frustrated with the results and there is a good reason why they end up frustrated. These approaches are not straight line. They often take you off your goal and down the path someone else wants you to take. When you do that, you are no longer in control of your own path, someone else is and that other person often has a very different end goal than you do. Is it a wonder they are still unhappy?

If you want a straight line approach to solving your problems, check out my crystal reading tab at the top and see how I can help you. It is simple, because a straight line often is, it’s straight, you can’t get more simple than that!